Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Remember My Dance!

This is dedicated to Lysi, to whom I told the story first but not as  well.

She knew the end was near, she was fading, no longer in the springtime of her life. Soon she would have to turn the spot light over to her nemesis while she literally faded away. She wouldn't go with a whimper.

 She was known for  hosting a grand ball once a year, and this years would be the most impressive yet! Her going away ball! She planned  every detail with great care and thought; from the outdoor garden and patio she rented, to the orchestra; from designing her gown, to the refreshments. Her crowning moment would be her dance!!

 She WOULD be remembered.

The day of the ball arrived. She  had double checked her preparations.  All was ready.
It would be a  very late afternoon into the late night affair. She wanted to encompass the deep blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds that would slowly change with  the bleeding colors of a setting sun and  a  brisk, chilly, starlit night with a full ,orange, harvest moon playing peekaboo behind wispy clouds.

The outdoor patio was covered in a textured gold carpet. The Orchestra was at the ready and expertly playing delightful background music. Though that would change as the dancing began. She had hired this talented group for their avante gard musicality.

Her guests had arrived and were enjoying  delectable treats and a mixture of spiced cider, pumpkin tea and wines. Various entertainers such as jugglers, fortune tellers, magicians kept her guests entertained while they awaited her entrance; which entrance was timed to command the most attention, have the greatest impact.  That highly anticipated moment finally came as the sun started to sink. Her man servant announced her and, as she glided through the double french doors onto the huge patio readied for dancing, there was an audible gasp!!

Even at her mature age she was devastatingly  beautiful!  Thick chestnut tresses with hints of copper fell into curly waves down the middle of her back and framed her heart shaped face. Her emerald eyes sparkled and still retained a mischievous glint that made you think she was up to something and  that you wanted to be apart of it ,whatever it was. Her face seemed flawless, defying resolutely the truth that  this would be her last grand ball this year, her last opportunity to be a queen before she faded away.  Her lips were full and painted scarlet and wore a defiant smile.

If her face was the work of art,  her gown was the frame that did it justice.  It was magnificent! She had designed it to look like fall leaves draping over her shoulders, caressing her bodice then swirling around the skirt as if they were wind tossed. The colors subtly blended into each other almost iridescently. Leaves of  scarlets, amber's, topaz were artfully sown onto a sheer sweeping chocolate brown skirt and bodice. Delicately embroidered throughout the gown, to match her eyes, were forest green emeralds so that as she moved it seemed she was clothed in fluid movement  of  woods, leaves and jewels. Finishing the look,  she wore on her feet, glossy deep brown ballet shoes, simple, understated.

She stood for a second taking in the admiration, knowing she was  the subject on every one's tongue.  Then she gracefully mingled, she would not take to the dance  floor until the night had fallen like a curtain, instead, letting that setting sun shine on her with the last vestige of warmth and flattering glow. She glided from group to group, chatting little, listening  a lot. She enjoyed the varied musical pieces,  tapping her toe to many. She enjoyed the men and women who clamoured to gain a few precious moments with her. She was giddy but not from sipping  wines but of sipping the flattery, the sincere declarations of admiration, even love.

As dusk gave way to night, a chill in the breeze stroked  the faces of the attendees while  the moon, huge and orange, as expected,  cast the glow of a million candles, adding to the torches under glass lamps  that lit the  perimeter of the dance floor.

It was time for her dance. As if an unseen hand swept everyone off the dance floor, it emptied.  All of a sudden the music changed. No longer light and delightful, the orchestra put all their talent into playing her  music: haunting, mysterious yet sentimental. It made guest after guest want to  shiver  in an unsettled feeling of unease, while at the same time, feeling melancholy and teary eyed.
Her guests had become her audience and  were hypnotised by the music. With that breeze whipping her hair around her face, like branches, and causing her cheeks to blush rose, she gracefully glided out to the middle of the floor. There was a soft spotlight now over the floor. The material of her gown swishing, skittering as if the leaves were real and being scattered across the ground she started moving, swaying, dancing. Her arms uplifted to the sky, eyes closed,  a bittersweet smile on her lips, she danced  like a younger version of herself. She danced putting  all her heart, her angst, her emotion into every movement.
The music had textures, layers, drama and captivated the imagination of listeners.
The dance had textures, layers, drama and captivated the hearts of those watching. and so it continued as if time stood ...

 Still -the music cast a spell,
 still- the audience could only watch in awe,
 still -she danced gracefully telling her life story for the last time.

The music flowed quietly then crescendoed with the chapters she danced. Her movements were mesmerizing. That life story she told through those movements enthalling her audience.

Suddenly it was over. The story and the dance ended!  She collapsed in a heap. Spent, exhausted, emptied, with head bowed, she put her arms in front of her palms down on the dance floor allowing them to brace her. She had given everything. She had held nothing about her life back. Collasped as she was, she looked  almost as if someone had raked  leaves in a huge pile. There was deafening silence. There was no music. There was no applause, as if what she had danced, what the guests had witnessed, was too sacred for applause.

Then there was movement from the far side of the dance floor, someone was coming!  Guests parted to let  a woman through. The Hostess of this ball, wearily lifted her head to see who was approaching. When recognition registered, tears as silent as the room had become, fell from her eyes.

The woman entering was also stunning! She had an ice cold beauty, unlike the earthy beauty of the woman still in a heap on the floor.  She wore an equally magnificent gown in pristine white. Shimmering, as if embedded with thousands of diamonds, it clung to her body like skin. She had white hair. Not grey! not silver!  White, soft, like a blanket of snow falling  down to her waist. Like the gasp that greeted the hostess upon her entrance, now the silence was broken by a second gasp at this entrance. With eyes that were as grey as thunderstorm clouds and lips that shone pink, her face was equally beautiful but in a hard cruel way.

She walked confidently to the middle of the dance floor, and with a hint of gentleness reached her hand out to help lift the hostess to her feet. The hostess stood trembling, the tears stopped. She glanced around  the outdoor patio giving her guests a bittersweet smile then she gazed upon the face of the intruder, the uninvited woman.
The audience strained to hear the words spoken between them as their hostess calmly said, " I knew you would come."
       "Yes,"  the white beauty agreed, " it is time."
       " I thought you would at least give me  the rest of the night."
       " I let you finish your dance."  Then she offered grudgingly, "It was moving!"
       The hostess acknowledged the compliment with a nod, then looked up as something tickled her face. Glancing upwards, she saw snow falling gently from the night sky that had changed from chill and brisk to  something  colder, deeper. The Hostess, shaking her head, smiled in defeat.
         " I will announce you properly," she told her nemisis.
         Now it was the ice queens turn to acknowledge with a nod.
           The Hostess turned and called to her guests to gather around. With curiouosity and a bit of confusion they did her bidding.
            Then stepping out of the spotlight so the other woman could bask in it alone, Mistress Autumn quietly announced,
      " This is Mistress Winter, She will now be your hostess. I bid you farewell!' She turned to walk away but quickly, as if she forgot something, whipped around again and cried, "Remember my dance!"
             While the music started up again, and the guests surrounded Winter, Autumn slowly faded away as the snow continued to cover the dance floor.
JDB  12, Oct. 2011
☻please do not copy or reproduce without permission.

Monday, October 10, 2011

A New Weapon, An Old Fight

        This is dedicated to all my game buddies! :) WOW, one day Ill go back :) 

The war rages! It is one that must be fought though I know I will never win. All I can hope for is enough fighting power to assure myself a day or two of relative peace. Enough to catch my breath, enough space to plan the next attack. I will never win because I am one... they are many!

       There are four of us here, but it is mostly my responsibility to engage in combat.! They act as my suppliers and finally they have supplied me with a  much needed weapon upgrade!  More accurate, durable, longer reach and most important -powerful! Some manufacturer out of Australia. It was a long time coming!! But even with  my new weapon, I am and always will be at a disadvantage.  But oh! the damage I can inflict now is so much more greater!  When I find them I turn my weapon on them and  suck the life right out of them! Gives me a perverse satisfaction to come out  stronger, more deadly to wipe them off the face of the planet, at least till they reorganise and re-populate. And they always do which is why I can never win and never stop fighting!

There is no winning this war, there is only maintaining. They are too clever! While I have scoped out some of their consistent strongholds, the other places of attack are too many and too subtle to find. . No matter how often I destroy their hiding places , they rebuild!  Guerrilla warfare is their forte!  I have to go into each battle in stealth mode, eyes constantly taking in my surroundings!

I am so tired! While I take pleasure in the little victories, how I wish the war would end! I am so tired, They don't sleep but I have to! 
I have to be vigilant! I have felt their fingers in my hair, along my face. Like a virus, they spread over the ground, cling to high places just above my sights!! They have surprised me  time and time again! Only by the quickness of my reflexes and the power of my weapon have I escaped being in their grasp!

They are varied! The enemy with many faces! Some  web like- clinging, forming nets to catch the unaware. Others like almost dormant on the ground, like bits of lint or clumps of pet hair! Seemingly harmless but unless taken care of, multiply to such a point that there is no safe spot to walk!! Sometimes they leave traces of a mud like residue that I mustn't step in or I will spread it  throughout my camp! Others have taken on the appearance of flecks or crumbs! So non -descript  looking, easy to ignore but left unchecked are the catalyst for greater threats!

Enough talking! I must go back in! It is time for my rounds!  Time again to decimate what I can! To show them no matter how tired, no matter how  many battles I must wage, I will not give in! I will not give up!

Vacuuming : How to turn an ordinary chore into something akin to a FPS Video Game.
Sure makes it more exciting don't you think? :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Painting Lessons

This is dedicated to Emily Rigby who encouraged me by saying if I ever wrote about scriptures, she would buy the book! That meant so much to me! I hope you like this one Emily!

A couple of thoughts  really impacted me while I was sharing this story with a friend who was in need of some specific precepts taught therein. In doing so, I  was enlightened myself in  surprising ways.
                                     Can I share the story then the  insights with you?    
Poor Saul! Power had gone to his head and he disobeyed God. This disobedience  led  the Lord  to say to Samuel:
       "1 ... How long wilt thou mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? fill thine horn with oil, and go, I will send thee to Jesse the Beth-lehemite: for I have provided me a king among his sons... And call Jesse to the sacrifice, and I will shew thee what thou shalt do: and thou shalt anoint unto me him whom I name unto thee."

So off goes Samuel to Jesse's house to meet his sons and anoint one of them Israel's next king. It is evident in the language used between Samuel and Jesse that Jesse was made privy to the special nature of Samuel's visit. By all accounts, these sons were big strapping lads! Pretty impressive guys! As the group came down toward him in preparation to be sanctified for offering  the sacrifice together, Samuel was sure impressed!!

6 ¶And it came to pass, when they were come, that he looked on Eliab, and said, Surely the Lord’s anointed is before him.

                        But oh! Blessed be the Lord for instructing His prophet and thereby instructing us!

7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.

       No matter how impressive, Eliab was not the Lord's choice. Neither was  son's two and three, Abinadab and Shammah.This was a wee bit surprising since those three sons in particular were solders for Saul and attended him in battles, thus their strength and courage were not in question.
       One can picture the pride of Jesse, their father, as he paraded them one by one  in front of the prophet. They seemed outwardly to be the perfect specimens of manhood. However, from the first born to son number seven, there was no illuminating  confirmation from the Lord. With the Lord's answer being clear, it was up to Samuel to relate the following to Jesse:

"10 Again, Jesse made seven of his sons to pass before Samuel. And Samuel said unto Jesse, The Lord hath not chosen these."     

  Now remember, the Prophet had told Jesse he was to bring all his sons to  sacrifice with Samuel! When the Lord hadn't confirmed His choice by son 7, you can almost sense in Samuel's next words a small hint of desperation...

                 11 "And Samuel said unto Jesse, Are here all thy children?"
           " ... And he said, There remaineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he keepeth the sheep. And Samuel said unto Jesse, Send and fetch him: for we will not sit down till he come hither."
        When David finally comes,  listen closely to what is said:
              12 "And he sent, and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to. And the Lord said, Arise, anoint him: for this is he."
That is the story.  Here comes the inspiration:

I will test my rudimentary skills by attempting to paint the thoughts that impacted me into one comprehensible, hopefully enlightening spiritual work of art. With my metaphoric paint brush in hand I will begin by painting onto the canvas the background:

7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. 

Why is it that Jesse failed to bring in his younger son when commanded? Why was Samuel put in the position of having to ask if there was any other sons?

I will offer two thoughts:

First: He widely underestimated the importance one so young without size or reputation. Especially in light of the other brothers with their seemingly preferable qualities. Jesse failed to give him enough importance to even invite him until the prophet Samuel ran out of choices. Perhaps, his pride in the older boys, the looking on the outward appearance, overshadowed the notion that his youngest might serve the Lord in any meaningful capacity. In his mind set, even after being in the company of a prophet of God, being sanctified and being informed that this meeting held a greater significance then merely visiting with a prophet of God, he disobeyed an edict and failed to involve a son that he had forgotten about, one, that would ultimately, serve to be the greatest king of all of Israel.

Second: Perhaps it was a matter of putting his flock of sheep and the income or security they provided to his family ahead of his son. Kinda like not wanting to call your son home from work thus having to close the store for the day. In this case, again Jesse's thought were potentially again formed by outward  concerns. If he knew the prophet wanted to meet with all his sons, could he not have sent a replacement for David?

Are we like Jesse? Do we let the outward appearance be the impetus for basing our decisions, judgements? Are we guilty of making up in our own minds  the destinies of others based on assumptions from outward appearances? In our circle somewhere, is there a King or Queen that if we were but to open our eyes and look at their hearts, we should see a crown of polished gold resting on their heads? Moreover, was there not the greatest King of all, judged outwardly, as thing of nought...for it was said of Him:

        " For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

The King of Kings, the Prince of Peace yet it was given to only a few faithful followers willing to look upon His heart to know of His Kingship! 
Or are we guilty of the second premise?  Are we placing temporal concerns above spiritual concerns? Which followers are we like? Are we part of the 5000 who were fed miraculously  and followed Jesus because our spirits were fed and we wanted more spiritual nourishment or those who were fed miraculously yet followed in hopes of attaining more physical food?

Whatever motivated Jesse, the outcome is the same.. he didn't view David  by the requirements of God.

Now that the background is painted and dry, lets add rich, deep color and texture to our painting.

Remember it was said  of David:
"And he sent, and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to. And the Lord said, Arise, anoint him: for this is he."

Let me offer a simple observation : the two phrases,  "beautiful countenance" and " goodly to look at" reflect the meaning of the Lord's instruction simply but powerfully. Those two statements are NOT the same. There would be no reason to reiterate twice about someones look. For instance, I wouldn't say : " She has a pretty face and she is lovely."  This one scripture  beautifully renders the Lord's reminder to Samuel.
The outward appearance is reflected by " goodly to look at" while the heart is mirrored with the phrase  "beautiful countenance". In truth, the expression: " wear your heart on your sleeve" could be changed to "wear your heart on your face". It is  meaningful that both the physical and the spiritual look of David was pointed out. 

Once I took my daughter with me to visit a woman in our congregation that had turned away from church. This woman was stunningly physically beautiful. Yet when we left from talking with her, my astute young teen looked at me and responded to my comment on her looks by saying, " But mom there is no light of Christ in her eyes." Goodly to look at but no beautiful countenance.
 I will share a secret of great magic with you! No matter the outward appearance, when you look upon the heart, the face will transforms into that of an angel! The radiant glow of a Christlike servant. The addictive smile of the truly joyous. The eyes that shine from loving others. It will happen every time that we  do our part!
                  I take a clean brush, place additional colors on the palette and finish our painting.

 "... And he said, There remaineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he keepeth the sheep. And Samuel said unto Jesse, Send and fetch him: for we will not sit down till he come hither."

I believe I have never been struck by the symbolism of that statement and the metaphoric meaning to myself before this discussion with my friend.
        The Lord is looking at our hearts and not the outward appearance, so what better place can  we be found by Him then keeping His sheep!  I found it starkly meaningful that while 7 brothers were being presented and trying to impress the prophet, the one found to insignificant to be invited yet would become one  the greatest of all the old testament men, was out in the field watching  the sheep. He was performing his duties. He was obediant. He was responsible.
          Where are we?? Are we trying to impress those with no heavenly creditials? Are we self absorbed in flaunting ourselves by word but not quietly by deed? Do we sometimes feel sorry for ourselves because we weren't invited the party , not given a grand assignment, not rubbing elbows with powers that be? 
OR are we content to follow the master who could have referred to Himself as anyone he wanted yet chose the simple shepherd as His title. Are we happy to be following His admonitioin to "feed my sheep". Do we take seriously the charge to protect those in our care with our lives? I am profoundly moved by this simple utterence:"behold he keepeth the sheep"  The Lord knew whom he wanted annointed as His King. He looked upon David's heart. He knew where he could be found.

          I offer you my painting! It is a young shepherd in the distant pasture surrounded by sheep under a starlit sky, reminisant of a group of shepherds that would hear angels sing hundreds of years later. The colors are bold; the presentation simple.  All that is left is to frame it and pray it touches you as you look upon it. I do hope it has become a spiritual work of art.
             Here is the Frame that goes around my humble painting:

The Lord has annointed us as His sons and daughters, not with oil as David was annointed but with blood.  He looks upon our hearts.
He knew where to find David, where will  He find us ?

I hope  I can take to heart the things taught to me in reviewing this story. I will hang my painting where I can see it and be reminded to look on the heart, strive to have a beautiful countenance and be found keeping His sheep!