Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mother-To- Be Lament

I don't  know what to do! Where did the nine months go??
There are lots of things about babies that I just don't know!
I've never had a babe in arms or dealt with baby tears...
that, in part, my little one, is why I have these fears.

            Will I bathe you properly?
             Handle crying tenderly
             Daddy says most probably
             But I just don't know!

I don't know what to do! These nine months went so fast!!
I thought I'd have time to prepare but 9 months now are past.
I've never been 'round lots of kids, I've never babysat,
Now you'll be here any day, what do you think of that??
              Doctor checkup's have been unnerving
              Which car seat is most deserving?
              OH! My courage is retreating!
              I just don't know!

I don't know the in and out's, like which diaper is the best,
or how long I should let you sleep when your down to rest.
how 'bout colic and the croup, what happens should you get these?
I don't have ready answers and would like them if you please.

                Will my life change drastically?
                 or will it change most magically?
                 Dad says it  will change perfectly-
                 But I just don't know!

So you've decided to come today; my labors almost done.
Your Daddy and I wonder if you're a daughter or a son.
At last they see your little head and then comes all the rest.
They've cleaned you up, swaddled you and laid you gently on my chest.
                   You look at me so trustingly
                    I clasp you to me lovingly
                    I'm ready to Mother fearlessly;
                           all at once,
                             I know!
  ☻Do not reproduce or copy without permission

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