Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Remember My Dance!

This is dedicated to Lysi, to whom I told the story first but not as  well.

She knew the end was near, she was fading, no longer in the springtime of her life. Soon she would have to turn the spot light over to her nemesis while she literally faded away. She wouldn't go with a whimper.

 She was known for  hosting a grand ball once a year, and this years would be the most impressive yet! Her going away ball! She planned  every detail with great care and thought; from the outdoor garden and patio she rented, to the orchestra; from designing her gown, to the refreshments. Her crowning moment would be her dance!!

 She WOULD be remembered.

The day of the ball arrived. She  had double checked her preparations.  All was ready.
It would be a  very late afternoon into the late night affair. She wanted to encompass the deep blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds that would slowly change with  the bleeding colors of a setting sun and  a  brisk, chilly, starlit night with a full ,orange, harvest moon playing peekaboo behind wispy clouds.

The outdoor patio was covered in a textured gold carpet. The Orchestra was at the ready and expertly playing delightful background music. Though that would change as the dancing began. She had hired this talented group for their avante gard musicality.

Her guests had arrived and were enjoying  delectable treats and a mixture of spiced cider, pumpkin tea and wines. Various entertainers such as jugglers, fortune tellers, magicians kept her guests entertained while they awaited her entrance; which entrance was timed to command the most attention, have the greatest impact.  That highly anticipated moment finally came as the sun started to sink. Her man servant announced her and, as she glided through the double french doors onto the huge patio readied for dancing, there was an audible gasp!!

Even at her mature age she was devastatingly  beautiful!  Thick chestnut tresses with hints of copper fell into curly waves down the middle of her back and framed her heart shaped face. Her emerald eyes sparkled and still retained a mischievous glint that made you think she was up to something and  that you wanted to be apart of it ,whatever it was. Her face seemed flawless, defying resolutely the truth that  this would be her last grand ball this year, her last opportunity to be a queen before she faded away.  Her lips were full and painted scarlet and wore a defiant smile.

If her face was the work of art,  her gown was the frame that did it justice.  It was magnificent! She had designed it to look like fall leaves draping over her shoulders, caressing her bodice then swirling around the skirt as if they were wind tossed. The colors subtly blended into each other almost iridescently. Leaves of  scarlets, amber's, topaz were artfully sown onto a sheer sweeping chocolate brown skirt and bodice. Delicately embroidered throughout the gown, to match her eyes, were forest green emeralds so that as she moved it seemed she was clothed in fluid movement  of  woods, leaves and jewels. Finishing the look,  she wore on her feet, glossy deep brown ballet shoes, simple, understated.

She stood for a second taking in the admiration, knowing she was  the subject on every one's tongue.  Then she gracefully mingled, she would not take to the dance  floor until the night had fallen like a curtain, instead, letting that setting sun shine on her with the last vestige of warmth and flattering glow. She glided from group to group, chatting little, listening  a lot. She enjoyed the varied musical pieces,  tapping her toe to many. She enjoyed the men and women who clamoured to gain a few precious moments with her. She was giddy but not from sipping  wines but of sipping the flattery, the sincere declarations of admiration, even love.

As dusk gave way to night, a chill in the breeze stroked  the faces of the attendees while  the moon, huge and orange, as expected,  cast the glow of a million candles, adding to the torches under glass lamps  that lit the  perimeter of the dance floor.

It was time for her dance. As if an unseen hand swept everyone off the dance floor, it emptied.  All of a sudden the music changed. No longer light and delightful, the orchestra put all their talent into playing her  music: haunting, mysterious yet sentimental. It made guest after guest want to  shiver  in an unsettled feeling of unease, while at the same time, feeling melancholy and teary eyed.
Her guests had become her audience and  were hypnotised by the music. With that breeze whipping her hair around her face, like branches, and causing her cheeks to blush rose, she gracefully glided out to the middle of the floor. There was a soft spotlight now over the floor. The material of her gown swishing, skittering as if the leaves were real and being scattered across the ground she started moving, swaying, dancing. Her arms uplifted to the sky, eyes closed,  a bittersweet smile on her lips, she danced  like a younger version of herself. She danced putting  all her heart, her angst, her emotion into every movement.
The music had textures, layers, drama and captivated the imagination of listeners.
The dance had textures, layers, drama and captivated the hearts of those watching. and so it continued as if time stood ...

 Still -the music cast a spell,
 still- the audience could only watch in awe,
 still -she danced gracefully telling her life story for the last time.

The music flowed quietly then crescendoed with the chapters she danced. Her movements were mesmerizing. That life story she told through those movements enthalling her audience.

Suddenly it was over. The story and the dance ended!  She collapsed in a heap. Spent, exhausted, emptied, with head bowed, she put her arms in front of her palms down on the dance floor allowing them to brace her. She had given everything. She had held nothing about her life back. Collasped as she was, she looked  almost as if someone had raked  leaves in a huge pile. There was deafening silence. There was no music. There was no applause, as if what she had danced, what the guests had witnessed, was too sacred for applause.

Then there was movement from the far side of the dance floor, someone was coming!  Guests parted to let  a woman through. The Hostess of this ball, wearily lifted her head to see who was approaching. When recognition registered, tears as silent as the room had become, fell from her eyes.

The woman entering was also stunning! She had an ice cold beauty, unlike the earthy beauty of the woman still in a heap on the floor.  She wore an equally magnificent gown in pristine white. Shimmering, as if embedded with thousands of diamonds, it clung to her body like skin. She had white hair. Not grey! not silver!  White, soft, like a blanket of snow falling  down to her waist. Like the gasp that greeted the hostess upon her entrance, now the silence was broken by a second gasp at this entrance. With eyes that were as grey as thunderstorm clouds and lips that shone pink, her face was equally beautiful but in a hard cruel way.

She walked confidently to the middle of the dance floor, and with a hint of gentleness reached her hand out to help lift the hostess to her feet. The hostess stood trembling, the tears stopped. She glanced around  the outdoor patio giving her guests a bittersweet smile then she gazed upon the face of the intruder, the uninvited woman.
The audience strained to hear the words spoken between them as their hostess calmly said, " I knew you would come."
       "Yes,"  the white beauty agreed, " it is time."
       " I thought you would at least give me  the rest of the night."
       " I let you finish your dance."  Then she offered grudgingly, "It was moving!"
       The hostess acknowledged the compliment with a nod, then looked up as something tickled her face. Glancing upwards, she saw snow falling gently from the night sky that had changed from chill and brisk to  something  colder, deeper. The Hostess, shaking her head, smiled in defeat.
         " I will announce you properly," she told her nemisis.
         Now it was the ice queens turn to acknowledge with a nod.
           The Hostess turned and called to her guests to gather around. With curiouosity and a bit of confusion they did her bidding.
            Then stepping out of the spotlight so the other woman could bask in it alone, Mistress Autumn quietly announced,
      " This is Mistress Winter, She will now be your hostess. I bid you farewell!' She turned to walk away but quickly, as if she forgot something, whipped around again and cried, "Remember my dance!"
             While the music started up again, and the guests surrounded Winter, Autumn slowly faded away as the snow continued to cover the dance floor.
JDB  12, Oct. 2011
☻please do not copy or reproduce without permission.

Monday, October 10, 2011

A New Weapon, An Old Fight

        This is dedicated to all my game buddies! :) WOW, one day Ill go back :) 

The war rages! It is one that must be fought though I know I will never win. All I can hope for is enough fighting power to assure myself a day or two of relative peace. Enough to catch my breath, enough space to plan the next attack. I will never win because I am one... they are many!

       There are four of us here, but it is mostly my responsibility to engage in combat.! They act as my suppliers and finally they have supplied me with a  much needed weapon upgrade!  More accurate, durable, longer reach and most important -powerful! Some manufacturer out of Australia. It was a long time coming!! But even with  my new weapon, I am and always will be at a disadvantage.  But oh! the damage I can inflict now is so much more greater!  When I find them I turn my weapon on them and  suck the life right out of them! Gives me a perverse satisfaction to come out  stronger, more deadly to wipe them off the face of the planet, at least till they reorganise and re-populate. And they always do which is why I can never win and never stop fighting!

There is no winning this war, there is only maintaining. They are too clever! While I have scoped out some of their consistent strongholds, the other places of attack are too many and too subtle to find. . No matter how often I destroy their hiding places , they rebuild!  Guerrilla warfare is their forte!  I have to go into each battle in stealth mode, eyes constantly taking in my surroundings!

I am so tired! While I take pleasure in the little victories, how I wish the war would end! I am so tired, They don't sleep but I have to! 
I have to be vigilant! I have felt their fingers in my hair, along my face. Like a virus, they spread over the ground, cling to high places just above my sights!! They have surprised me  time and time again! Only by the quickness of my reflexes and the power of my weapon have I escaped being in their grasp!

They are varied! The enemy with many faces! Some  web like- clinging, forming nets to catch the unaware. Others like almost dormant on the ground, like bits of lint or clumps of pet hair! Seemingly harmless but unless taken care of, multiply to such a point that there is no safe spot to walk!! Sometimes they leave traces of a mud like residue that I mustn't step in or I will spread it  throughout my camp! Others have taken on the appearance of flecks or crumbs! So non -descript  looking, easy to ignore but left unchecked are the catalyst for greater threats!

Enough talking! I must go back in! It is time for my rounds!  Time again to decimate what I can! To show them no matter how tired, no matter how  many battles I must wage, I will not give in! I will not give up!

Vacuuming : How to turn an ordinary chore into something akin to a FPS Video Game.
Sure makes it more exciting don't you think? :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Painting Lessons

This is dedicated to Emily Rigby who encouraged me by saying if I ever wrote about scriptures, she would buy the book! That meant so much to me! I hope you like this one Emily!

A couple of thoughts  really impacted me while I was sharing this story with a friend who was in need of some specific precepts taught therein. In doing so, I  was enlightened myself in  surprising ways.
                                     Can I share the story then the  insights with you?    
Poor Saul! Power had gone to his head and he disobeyed God. This disobedience  led  the Lord  to say to Samuel:
       "1 ... How long wilt thou mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? fill thine horn with oil, and go, I will send thee to Jesse the Beth-lehemite: for I have provided me a king among his sons... And call Jesse to the sacrifice, and I will shew thee what thou shalt do: and thou shalt anoint unto me him whom I name unto thee."

So off goes Samuel to Jesse's house to meet his sons and anoint one of them Israel's next king. It is evident in the language used between Samuel and Jesse that Jesse was made privy to the special nature of Samuel's visit. By all accounts, these sons were big strapping lads! Pretty impressive guys! As the group came down toward him in preparation to be sanctified for offering  the sacrifice together, Samuel was sure impressed!!

6 ¶And it came to pass, when they were come, that he looked on Eliab, and said, Surely the Lord’s anointed is before him.

                        But oh! Blessed be the Lord for instructing His prophet and thereby instructing us!

7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.

       No matter how impressive, Eliab was not the Lord's choice. Neither was  son's two and three, Abinadab and Shammah.This was a wee bit surprising since those three sons in particular were solders for Saul and attended him in battles, thus their strength and courage were not in question.
       One can picture the pride of Jesse, their father, as he paraded them one by one  in front of the prophet. They seemed outwardly to be the perfect specimens of manhood. However, from the first born to son number seven, there was no illuminating  confirmation from the Lord. With the Lord's answer being clear, it was up to Samuel to relate the following to Jesse:

"10 Again, Jesse made seven of his sons to pass before Samuel. And Samuel said unto Jesse, The Lord hath not chosen these."     

  Now remember, the Prophet had told Jesse he was to bring all his sons to  sacrifice with Samuel! When the Lord hadn't confirmed His choice by son 7, you can almost sense in Samuel's next words a small hint of desperation...

                 11 "And Samuel said unto Jesse, Are here all thy children?"
           " ... And he said, There remaineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he keepeth the sheep. And Samuel said unto Jesse, Send and fetch him: for we will not sit down till he come hither."
        When David finally comes,  listen closely to what is said:
              12 "And he sent, and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to. And the Lord said, Arise, anoint him: for this is he."
That is the story.  Here comes the inspiration:

I will test my rudimentary skills by attempting to paint the thoughts that impacted me into one comprehensible, hopefully enlightening spiritual work of art. With my metaphoric paint brush in hand I will begin by painting onto the canvas the background:

7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. 

Why is it that Jesse failed to bring in his younger son when commanded? Why was Samuel put in the position of having to ask if there was any other sons?

I will offer two thoughts:

First: He widely underestimated the importance one so young without size or reputation. Especially in light of the other brothers with their seemingly preferable qualities. Jesse failed to give him enough importance to even invite him until the prophet Samuel ran out of choices. Perhaps, his pride in the older boys, the looking on the outward appearance, overshadowed the notion that his youngest might serve the Lord in any meaningful capacity. In his mind set, even after being in the company of a prophet of God, being sanctified and being informed that this meeting held a greater significance then merely visiting with a prophet of God, he disobeyed an edict and failed to involve a son that he had forgotten about, one, that would ultimately, serve to be the greatest king of all of Israel.

Second: Perhaps it was a matter of putting his flock of sheep and the income or security they provided to his family ahead of his son. Kinda like not wanting to call your son home from work thus having to close the store for the day. In this case, again Jesse's thought were potentially again formed by outward  concerns. If he knew the prophet wanted to meet with all his sons, could he not have sent a replacement for David?

Are we like Jesse? Do we let the outward appearance be the impetus for basing our decisions, judgements? Are we guilty of making up in our own minds  the destinies of others based on assumptions from outward appearances? In our circle somewhere, is there a King or Queen that if we were but to open our eyes and look at their hearts, we should see a crown of polished gold resting on their heads? Moreover, was there not the greatest King of all, judged outwardly, as thing of nought...for it was said of Him:

        " For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

The King of Kings, the Prince of Peace yet it was given to only a few faithful followers willing to look upon His heart to know of His Kingship! 
Or are we guilty of the second premise?  Are we placing temporal concerns above spiritual concerns? Which followers are we like? Are we part of the 5000 who were fed miraculously  and followed Jesus because our spirits were fed and we wanted more spiritual nourishment or those who were fed miraculously yet followed in hopes of attaining more physical food?

Whatever motivated Jesse, the outcome is the same.. he didn't view David  by the requirements of God.

Now that the background is painted and dry, lets add rich, deep color and texture to our painting.

Remember it was said  of David:
"And he sent, and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to. And the Lord said, Arise, anoint him: for this is he."

Let me offer a simple observation : the two phrases,  "beautiful countenance" and " goodly to look at" reflect the meaning of the Lord's instruction simply but powerfully. Those two statements are NOT the same. There would be no reason to reiterate twice about someones look. For instance, I wouldn't say : " She has a pretty face and she is lovely."  This one scripture  beautifully renders the Lord's reminder to Samuel.
The outward appearance is reflected by " goodly to look at" while the heart is mirrored with the phrase  "beautiful countenance". In truth, the expression: " wear your heart on your sleeve" could be changed to "wear your heart on your face". It is  meaningful that both the physical and the spiritual look of David was pointed out. 

Once I took my daughter with me to visit a woman in our congregation that had turned away from church. This woman was stunningly physically beautiful. Yet when we left from talking with her, my astute young teen looked at me and responded to my comment on her looks by saying, " But mom there is no light of Christ in her eyes." Goodly to look at but no beautiful countenance.
 I will share a secret of great magic with you! No matter the outward appearance, when you look upon the heart, the face will transforms into that of an angel! The radiant glow of a Christlike servant. The addictive smile of the truly joyous. The eyes that shine from loving others. It will happen every time that we  do our part!
                  I take a clean brush, place additional colors on the palette and finish our painting.

 "... And he said, There remaineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he keepeth the sheep. And Samuel said unto Jesse, Send and fetch him: for we will not sit down till he come hither."

I believe I have never been struck by the symbolism of that statement and the metaphoric meaning to myself before this discussion with my friend.
        The Lord is looking at our hearts and not the outward appearance, so what better place can  we be found by Him then keeping His sheep!  I found it starkly meaningful that while 7 brothers were being presented and trying to impress the prophet, the one found to insignificant to be invited yet would become one  the greatest of all the old testament men, was out in the field watching  the sheep. He was performing his duties. He was obediant. He was responsible.
          Where are we?? Are we trying to impress those with no heavenly creditials? Are we self absorbed in flaunting ourselves by word but not quietly by deed? Do we sometimes feel sorry for ourselves because we weren't invited the party , not given a grand assignment, not rubbing elbows with powers that be? 
OR are we content to follow the master who could have referred to Himself as anyone he wanted yet chose the simple shepherd as His title. Are we happy to be following His admonitioin to "feed my sheep". Do we take seriously the charge to protect those in our care with our lives? I am profoundly moved by this simple utterence:"behold he keepeth the sheep"  The Lord knew whom he wanted annointed as His King. He looked upon David's heart. He knew where he could be found.

          I offer you my painting! It is a young shepherd in the distant pasture surrounded by sheep under a starlit sky, reminisant of a group of shepherds that would hear angels sing hundreds of years later. The colors are bold; the presentation simple.  All that is left is to frame it and pray it touches you as you look upon it. I do hope it has become a spiritual work of art.
             Here is the Frame that goes around my humble painting:

The Lord has annointed us as His sons and daughters, not with oil as David was annointed but with blood.  He looks upon our hearts.
He knew where to find David, where will  He find us ?

I hope  I can take to heart the things taught to me in reviewing this story. I will hang my painting where I can see it and be reminded to look on the heart, strive to have a beautiful countenance and be found keeping His sheep! 


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fireflies and Candles: A Tribute To YOU

People tell me my eyes shine. Shall I tell you the secret behind it?
 There is so much light in my heart that my heart can't contain it all. The light bursts through the swelling of my heart  like a million pinpoints, a million little beams of light and, it is some of those light beams  escaping through my eyes, that light them up- making them shine.
While there are many sources for the light that swells in my breast, one of the biggest sources is YOU.

Let me back track:
I've always been fascinated by fireflies. I could do a whole post on them ( but maybe this will suffice). One  of my simple joys is to sit on my swing at dusk and wait for them. As the sun sinks into the tide of darkness, and as my eyes struggle to adjust, a tiny green flicker of a single firefly catches my view. And in that spreading darkness, that one little light shines like a neon sign. Such a little insect with such a little light, yet what an impact! In the oppressive blackness of night the little firefly defies the inkiness unafraid to flit around and shine.  My eyes search and catch one light after another.. until  the whole horizon is full of blinking flickering green lights as the fireflies come out in droves providing me, unintentionally, a mini firework show. The fireflies reassure me that I'm not alone, that no matter what can hide in the night, in the darkness, they are unafraid to shine that light and that I likewise should be unafraid to shine my light! In that dusk to dark, they create green stars of the night. It never ceases to amaze me how Huge the darkness is yet how quickly the minute light pierces it. As if the night is Goliath and the firefly is David.

By the same token, in a darkened room, what is the impact of one candle light? Soothing, glowing light that again defies the huge darkness. Enough candles and  the darkness is chased to the far corners of the room. Shadows flee and hide like criminals. 

My point here is: You might think anything you have offered me is too small to really count. But it is untrue! There is no act, or kindness or words too small that it  doesn't create that light in my heart. None of you are insignificant. Whether we are still in contact, whether it has been years, the light doesn't go out because of distance or infrequency.

My heart and by extension, my shining eyes, are full of  light that is made up of thousands & thousands of individual  lights; memories, service, laughter, love, unselfishness, shared heartache- thousands of individual lights each with their unique reason for finding residency in my heart.. Each light representing people, YOU, who impact my life the way the fireflies impact the night or candle light impacts a room. 

Do YOU know what YOU have brought to my life???

Do YOU realize how your moments with me, the moments in our lives, that we crossed paths, in whatever medium that happened to be, how those moments imprinted  my life? made me a better person?

Can YOU even begin to conceptionalize the change wrought inside me because I know you!

In what form can I express to you, how by adding light to my heart, YOU helped chase away darkness in me!

That even if  you don't call me a friend, something YOU said, some act, something I witnessed that gave me a glimpse into your soul lit a candle in my heart even unbeknownest to you!!

If I had time to name ALL the names I would, because the names and/ or  those moments are memorialized in my heart. But it would literally take HOURS to do that in this type of forum. Each person  is a source of  light. One little light added by others- then more and more little flames until my heart is full.
Let me try to randomly express moments,  maybe you'll recognise one as being yours! Sharing a disappoint you suffered and encouraging me in mine. smiling, listening, giving of your time, phone calls, lunches, generosity of not only  money but more importantly generosity in spirit! Encouragement, praise, trusting me with secrets, laughter and more laughter! Support, friendship, unexpected gifts, examples, faithfulness, prayers in my behalf, texts, pictures, making me feel as if I was important to you...
 I can't  express them all here, it would take pages!

My attempts to create a visual are sadly inept. Reconnecting with so many of you, game buddies, church friends, Jazz friends and so many more from so many more groups has made me realize that  the light YOU are responsible for is burning brightly inside me. It has made me wonder if I have neglected  thanking you. I feel compelled to tell you- I wouldn't be who I am if it wasn't for YOU!
You are  my fireflies in the night. You are my candles burning brightly.

So I urge you...
 Find the fireflies, find the candle lights within your heart!
Then go share with an author or authors of those lights how they have impacted YOU.
Maybe, if we all knew the value of the many lights we are responsible for lighting in others, we would be even more fearless in  living these words: "let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matt. 5:16

It is my goal to thank you personally over the coming weeks if I haven't already, and share what you've done to  make my heart glow and eyes shine.
With Love & gratitude

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tsunami Pain To Living Water Peace

I have always heard and read the expression "pain that takes your breath away" but truly I didn't understand  the literalness of that  phrase.
 It sounds poetic on paper.. sounds sadly romantic in novels.
 It is neither poetic or romantic.
It is excruciating.
It is a pain that, for me, takes on the characteristics of water. A tsunami of pain that wells up in my abdomen and with increasing fury crests upward through my stomach and crashes where my heart is. It takes my emotions and hurls them in a swirling underwater grip. It threatens to drown  me. I am forced to hold my breath to avoid swallowing deep gulps of  that agony until I can thread my way through the pounding waters to the surface where faith is the lifeline that I grab onto to keep afloat till the next wave comes. Any water I do swallow exits my body through the tears I cry. It is a re-occurring tidal wave that I endure every time I think about my Dad now.

My Dad, my hero, my example, my friend, my strong tower was diagnosed with ALS - better known as Lou Gehrigs Disease. It is terminal...and here comes that wave of pain again! I have not been able to talk about it. Hard enough to bear that tsunami without verbalizing it. This is my attempt to accept it and to talk about it now.

Isn't it funny how something so mundane, so ordinary as the idea of water can not only be used to describe pain but to also be means of remembering so many important events or lessons. Just as a calm lake reflects the mural of nature around it, water, in it's various forms, can reflect cherished memories throughout my life.

The ocean;
 Pismo Beach, a place where Dad has gone since he was a boy, where he took us so often that the tent at the campsite felt like our second home. Family pictures under the old eucalyptus tree and Dad's  trademark disgusted smirk at how long it always took yet a big ol' smile for the picture.  Dad and dutch oven meals that tasted soo good! "Eureka! I found some!" Family around campfires, laughing, telling stories, reminiscing  and always Dad bearing his testimony and sharing  his love for all  of us.
 Dad loading up the rubber raft with  as many as would fit then pulling us out deep enough so that the sun drenched waves would send us bouncing back to shore. Dad- needing a wee bit bigger wetsuit each year and finally happy to sit on his beach chair under the umbrella, like a king on his throne, making himself available for the grandkids that run back and forth  from the water to his chair, just to see him.

Rivers and lakes -
Yellowstone and the God awful river rafting  that lasted 8 hours for SOME of us.
Big Stump hiking to the lake. Dad giving me his love of hiking and of the great outdoors. Dad hiking or walking no matter what, in woods, in deserts, in neighborhoods, in mountains, along rivers, in suburbs.
Big Stump and the camping,  exploring, us  kids getting lost and knowing dad would come find us and he did! Family pictures on top of massive tree stumps so big and tall dad would have to lift us up so we could climb atop. Dad's trademark disgusted smirk cuz it would take so long yet a big ol' smile when he saw those photo's later.

Tule River behind our house where we fished, jumped in off a rope swing, The Tule River house where we learned to build as we helped dad put additions on the house, learned to paint when we helped dad paint the outside of the house. Learned the importance of food storage when food and not us kids were the occupants of the neatest biggest wooden playhouse  we had ever seen. The Tule River House where we had horses and I got to go horseback riding with my dad. Tule River house where getting good reception on the TV was interupted everytime mom used a kitchen appliance so I learned Star Trek was more important then mom making dinner. Then later having no TV because dad realized family was more important then Star Trek.Where I learned that beating dad at Risk meant having to pick up all the little squares that when flying when dad threw the board off the table! Boy, could I roll those double sixes.

Hose and Sprinklers
I have a love of gardening, of growing things, an appreciation of  the peace that comes from being outside from my dad. My earliest memories include dad and  him watering something! I learned to work and work hard. If it wasnt our own garden and vines, it was church welfare farms.  I learned the contentment of  enjoying  the gentle sway of a glider swing and doing nothing  but  being apart of the landscape as it changed magically from hour to hour; the gift of sunrises and sunsets. Waiting  the 20 minutes then moving the hose to the next row to water various veggies and fruits. Weeding.. and dad's trademark disgusted smirk at how Adam had caused all the noxious weeds yet the big ol' smile when his gardens and flowers were pristine. Like my dad. I can always be found outside somewhere, weeding, hiking, sitting on my glider swing, feeding critters or simply absorbing the peace that nature brings.

Glass of water-
 I learned to respect my dad because of my Mom. Whenever Dad was working outside doing anything you could be guarenteed to hear my mom request one of us, usually me, to take dad a cold glass of water. She would mention how hot  or thirsty he would be , how hard he was working and how much it would mean that  we thought about him. She has always hidden special treats  that dad likes the best in his drawer. She would tell us how much it meant  to a man that never even received a birthday card from his family growing up. She always made every effort to think about dad and expected and taught us to also think about dad, to show our love.  She always demanded we respect him and respect him we did. I valued and cared about my dad because I saw my mom value and care about him first and it all began with, " Your dad is probably hot and thirsty, why don't you take him a cold glass of water." That example  and the way I feel about dad has helped me honor and respect my husband who also gets a cold drink when he is working outside because of that lesson in honoring and showing love to my dad.

Knowing my dad wasn't too proud to cry over us, in front of us, because of us. To  see his tears accompany testimony, or teary eyes when we made him proud. Tears when asking for forgiveness, or the best kind for me, tears because I make him laugh so hard!

The sacramental bread and water
The bread and water that represents the greatest legacy dad left to all of us.
It is the way he implemented the greatest gift given to all of us: the atonement. Being the eldest of all the siblings I had a first hand knowledge and front row seat to Dad's ability to utilize the atonement. The Dad I grew up with  was a different man then the one my younger siblings grew up with. I, like all of you, learned  and witnessed many lessons about  the atonement from Dad.

Humility: It takes a broken heart and contrite spirit to look inside ones soul, to see faults, qualities that need refining mistakes to be corrected. It takes humility to ask God to show us these weaknesses so that in turn he can make them strengths as promised in the scriptures. Dad started out with a wee too much pride, a sin that from time to time plagues  us all. YEt, because of his quest to be more Christlike, to be a better husband, father, friend, disciple- he taught us humility because of the atonement.

Courage:  It is one thing to acknowledge our weaknesses but quite another to do anything about them. To do something about them takes a special brand of courage that only the atonement can provide. Dad never used well worn excuses or shirked responsibility for his actions, his words or  his deeds. He didnt throw his hands in the air and say well it is too late to change. WHat he did was have the courage to give up a business and return to school some 20 years from graduating High school. He had the courage to sell our  home on 20 acres and move into town to take classes specific to the areas he wanted to improve in.He had courage to move to Utah to graduate from an University. HE had the courage to  rewire his thought processes, to realign his actions to be a better husband, father, friend ,disciple. He taught us courage because of the atonement.

Faith- The courage couldn't have been possible without Faith in the atonement. Faith that  Christ's gift to him and to us could indeed wipe away the sins and errors he  lamented over. Faith that CHrists gift to him and to us could indeed give us the power to overcome all, not some,  but all of the weaknesses  that weigh us down. Faith in the knowledge that because of the atonement  CHrist could heal hearts, mend spirits, give strength and comfort when tears flow freely, when hearts are breaking, when bodies are wounded. Dad had  Faith in the atonement  that he would live again! He had Faith that he could be a better husband, father, friend ,disciple. He taught us Faith in the atonement.
When we take the sacrament, when we partake of the bread and drink the water,I hope dad's humility, courage and faith in the Atonement of Christ increases our own. and that we also will want ot be better husbands and wives, fathers and mothers friends and disciples of Christ.

Living Water-
 My dad taught me  about Jesus, bread of life, living water. He taught me  the gospel; taught me about faith, prayer,committment, covenants and his example of the atonement in his life taught me I can change! It is never too late to come unto Christ. It is that knowledge and testimony that now sustains me in this  great pain. The faith  and hope I have in my Savior  that Dad will be my dad forever. Because of God's  promise of Eternal life and eternal families, the flood of pain might  buffet me, toss me, threaten to suffocate me but it will not drown me. The total belief and testimony I have anchors me safely. If I flounder it is  Christs's hand that reaches down to pull me up for air. That He loves and comforts me, is a life preserver keeping me afloat.
  I did not want my dad to die. I do not want to finish my time on earth without my rock. But I know it is merely a momentary separation.

 It is Christ's promises that help me to  find peace and solace that, as this disease took control, denying my dad of  the use of his limbs, of his voice, of swallowing and other ravages,  it will only have a little while to do so. It's temporary victory will be swallowed up in the resurrection that comes to all ,from that infinite atonement. Dad will bear testimony again, laugh again, display his trademark disgusted smirk again. He will hike again, work again, garden again and when I, at last, go and join him in our heavenly home, I will, once more, bring him a cold glass of water.

In the name of Jesus Christ amen

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mother-To- Be Lament

I don't  know what to do! Where did the nine months go??
There are lots of things about babies that I just don't know!
I've never had a babe in arms or dealt with baby tears...
that, in part, my little one, is why I have these fears.

            Will I bathe you properly?
             Handle crying tenderly
             Daddy says most probably
             But I just don't know!

I don't know what to do! These nine months went so fast!!
I thought I'd have time to prepare but 9 months now are past.
I've never been 'round lots of kids, I've never babysat,
Now you'll be here any day, what do you think of that??
              Doctor checkup's have been unnerving
              Which car seat is most deserving?
              OH! My courage is retreating!
              I just don't know!

I don't know the in and out's, like which diaper is the best,
or how long I should let you sleep when your down to rest.
how 'bout colic and the croup, what happens should you get these?
I don't have ready answers and would like them if you please.

                Will my life change drastically?
                 or will it change most magically?
                 Dad says it  will change perfectly-
                 But I just don't know!

So you've decided to come today; my labors almost done.
Your Daddy and I wonder if you're a daughter or a son.
At last they see your little head and then comes all the rest.
They've cleaned you up, swaddled you and laid you gently on my chest.
                   You look at me so trustingly
                    I clasp you to me lovingly
                    I'm ready to Mother fearlessly;
                           all at once,
                             I know!
  ☻Do not reproduce or copy without permission

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Prayer of the Future? Heaven help us! No.. literally!

. 1. A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit that sought to stop Gov. Rick Perry from sponsoring a national day of Christian prayer and fasting, ruling Thursday that the group of atheists and agnostics did not have legal standing to sue. "The governor has done nothing more than invite others who are willing to do so to pray," Miller said. "...said Kay Staley, one of five Texas residents named as plaintiffs in the suit, "I think the governor needs to keep his religion out of his official duties."

2. A group of atheists has filed a lawsuit claiming the display of the World Trade Center cross at the 9/11 memorial in lower Manhattan is unconstitutional, calling it a "mingling of church and state." The cross, which consists of two intersecting steel beams that were found intact in the rubble at Ground Zero, was initially constructed on a side of a church in lower Manhattan. The cross was then placed inside the 9/11 Memorial Museum during a ceremony over the weekend.

3.Texas Lawmaker Calls for Congressional Probe Into Ban of Christian Prayers at Military Funerals

A Texas lawmaker is calling for a congressional investigation of the Houston National Cemetery after he went undercover and determined that cemetery officials are still preventing Christian prayers at the funerals of military veterans.
“The Obama administration continues to try to prevent the word ‘God’ from being used at the funerals of our heroes,” said. Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas).

The cemetery is already the focus of a lawsuit filed on behalf of the VFW, an American Legion post and Houston’s National Memorial Ladies. They claim the VA banned members of the organizations from using the words “God” or “Jesus” at burial services. Controversy first surfaced nationally at the cemetery during a Memorial Day event when a Houston pastor was ordered by the VA to remove the name of Jesus from his prayer.

Google religious freedom, prayers or Christianity and read for yourself the scores of news reports that have chronicled the demise of religious freedom for Christians while at the same time lauding more religious tolerance and freedom for other religions or groups.  From removing nativity scenes, prayer from schools, federal funding for any public school allowing religious groups to meet  therein after school hours,  these are just a few of the pages of stories  you will find across our nation that  try to subdue the Christian spirit.The list goes on and on.

Why aren't we as Christians, just as vocal, just as committed in preserving our right to display, wear, pray as  symbols and symbolic attributes of Christians, as the liberals and atheists are to their cause of deleting God from the vocabulary of our lives??
 Can one search the hallway of history and not see  door after door slamming shut, closing us off from  what  was once a given- an expectation to acknowledge God's hand and,  in humility, seek His guidance? Behind those closed doorways are bookshelves lined with journals, rulings, writings, examples of good men & women admitting the spirit of God inspiring, guiding and  directing them; from Christopher Columbus to the founding Fathers.. from presidents to  religious leaders; from hero's, whose names we know to the unnamed Christians who acting with courage in their beliefs molded this country. Those  shelves are lined with inarguable facts that God  was and should still be, an integral part of this country and it's people; from the pledge to patriotic songs, from our money to our flags- the truth is there and all the advocates for abolishing God can't destroy the evidence. Hide it- yes! Try to rewrite history- yes! Make is increasingly harder to  teach and seek the truth- yes! Howevere, the truth is still  there to be found if we look hard enough and carre deep enough ot find it. Athesists would  have us believe that man created God and by doing so can destroy Him, when in truth, God created man and has the power to destroy us in our wickedness.

How can we be so complacent about  our  being robbed of our religious rights ? How have we let  the brainwashing under the guise of tolerance and political correctness guilt us into accepting less and less  leeway to obey and to worship as God expects?  Will our homes be the last refuge for worship when the goverment and groups that would destroy our rights, keep passing laws that will dictate what can be said or taught in our churches?

The separation of church and state has morphed from a simple idea  that allowed for  religious freedom undisturbed by government into a government that controls religion- a monster that devours every semblance of worship!

How  will our prayers  sound if we don't fight for our rights to practise Christianity. Perhaps I can offer a sample:

I have hidden in my closet where no one can  slap an injunction upon me for  speaking  to thee. I thank thee dear Lor.. I mean Sir, for the many blessings thou may or may not have seen fit to bless me with. Help me to live as Thou would have me live  all while trying to accommodate all those who are bothered or inconvenienced by my beliefs in thy doctrine and in thy word.

I would plead for thee to  help and guide our politically leaders through the  tough decisions they must make for our people and our country but that would violate the separation of church and state.

 Help me to love  the person  but eschew the sin, even though it is now popular to accept sin as life choices, faults of parents, mental or emotions hang ups. Though I have tried  to be compassionate and understanding  help me to forgive those who call me names, or slander my beliefs. 

Help me  Heavenly... being ... who might have created  heavens and earth or else watched as  all the Cosmo's came together in a scientific bang...avoid   the temptations placed  before me unlike so may of our elected officials who, because they shouldn't mix religion with their political duties, fail to live up to the morals they claim to believe in.

Please forgive me for not being able to sing about Thy son at Christmas time during the school's "Winter Concert" that used to be Christmas concert.. and I fought  the subdivision committee again but lost so, no nativity scene in the yard again  ( thought to spite them I set it up discreetly in the backyard) and did you notice that I whispered  "under God" during the pledge even though I wasn't suppose to?  Felt  like a rebel and it felt good!

Well I guess I better close for now.. I say all this in the ONE who shall not be named, thy Son,

Satirical or  are  we just about forced  to  have this be our reality?

 I am  scared and angry by the advances Satan has made  to truly be the Lord over this world and making us miserable like he is, by making a mockery of Religion, by using organizations like ACLU and other like minded groups,  to move against any and  all religious strongholds and expression.  However, I am not so scared that I shrink from bearing testimony and more importantly, in living my beliefs!

 I know God lives! I know His commandments are just that , commandments not suggestions. I know that God's laws do not  fluctuate with times and do not mold themselves to fit around  a person's desires to live contrary to His laws. I know His Hand is upon us and if we don't start fighting  for Him and our rights to worship Him as we see fit, His hand will be stayed from blessing  us and this land!!

I know He has a Son, His only begotten Son who is Christ, my Lord and Savior. He  suffered in Gethsemane for my sins that I might, through His grace and my repentance, be made whole and sinless at the last day. He died on the cross that I might live again. He has restored His priesthood ,that worthy men might once more, act in God's name to,as Peter did, seal on earth and in heaven. I know with no doubt He loves me, He knows me by name.

 He lived, He LIVES and HE will come again. I testify that no matter how hard  or how temporarily  successful the world may be  in curtailing the Christian predominance in this nation, a nation founded by and with His help, that the world will see the fulfillment of the prophesy as told in the scriptures: That EVERY knee will bow, and EVERY tongue confess that He is the Christ. My faith in firm and I will not apologise for my  unshakable belief in  God! I need God more then I need the approval of the world!

Now I don't care if you believe or not.  You don't have to. Whether you believe in Christ, Buddha, Allah, whether you are Muslim, Hindu or any other group,  Religious Freedom is just that: the freedom to worship as you see fit! All I ask  is that it  be true for Christians too!
Stop trying to take away my rights!

I will worship
I will pray
I will read Holy scriptures
I will  testify
I will sing
I will praise
I will teach
I am a Christian  and I  won't allow my testimony to be placed on  those bookshelves behind locked doors gathering dust.
I am a Christian and no matter how many laws the men of the world pass I will remain so and will worship as such!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Legacy of Letters

There  is a treasure each of us possesses in some quantity. It is a treasure we keep safe. One that might be bundled and tied with a ribbon. A special treasure that we might keep in a special box in a special drawer.
It is a rare treasure that we keep in it's original "wrapping" and never loses it's value though yellowed and faded. A treasure we all possess that is so dear, that often before we peruse it  for the hundredth time, we press it to our hearts for a brief second, close our eyes and sigh.
The treasure common to us all is  the legacy of letters.

 It is a singularly unique treasure for  it can send us back in time or  encourage us in our future, feel arms around us from love ones long gone or invite new embraces to be discovered. It can pierce the heart in sudden pain or burst the heart in joy and pride.

The treasure can have many givers:
A parent's loveletter to their child, a lovers declaration to their  matching soul,
a friends cry for help or a friend's lifesaving reply,
 a son in a battlefield, a daughter homesick at college,
announcements of births, of deaths, of engagements, of divorce  and back to births again making a mommy a grandma,
crayon drawings from grandchildren,
 a schools acceptance  or a publishers rejection, for even  the harshest letters have formed who we are and marked decisions for our lives.
Givers of treasures can be anyone at all! The giver is half of the worth, the words on the page the rest.

Reflect with me, in your bundle of letters, which have meant something to you?
Who was the author?
How does it stir the heart to see the handwriting of someone dear?
Which of your treasures molded your person, your future?
Where do you keep them?
How often have you taken them out and re-read them?
Why do you cherish them?

 May I suggest some reasons why we cherish these treasured letters?

"Letters are the doors by which the soul's intimacies walk through and present themselves." JDB
"Letters are not only snapshots of life and times but are the reflections of heart and mind. "   JDB
"The pen is  the tongue of the mind."  Horace
"Letters are among the most significant memorial a person can leave behind them."
 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"More then kisses, letters mingle souls." John Donne

There is no substitution, despite all the technological advances, for the excitement of running to the mailbox to find a letter addressed to us and finding a quiet place to  devour the contents. There is no greater stretching of the soul then to sit in a quiet place and compose a letter, putting pen to blank page.
"You cannot see the tear stains of joy or heartache on an email." (jdb)

Facebook, emails, tweeting , to me they are  the readers digest condensed version of letter writing.They only  leave one  unsatisfied and yearning for more! They have their place  as does cotton candy at  the fair grounds. But  both are momentary pleasures of empty nourishment. Imagine if all the letters the Apostle Paul wrote  to the early saints were tweets! the right thing! Hebrews: faith is powerful!
 you get the idea! Imagine Thomas Jefferson on facebook: Hey thought of a great way to govern! If you agree then "like" this!

How sad! How unacceptable that  this generation and the generation after, might,  because of societies laziness and  acceptance of that cotton candy correspondence, have no legacy of letters to treasure!  No thick bundles of envelopes tied with ribbon.
 How repulsive the idea is to me that we value family and friends so little that we do not give each other the gift of our time to take  the hours if necessary to share our hearts and lives with them through  treasures of letters. No special  letters kept in a special box in a special drawer!
How empty without new letters to offer snapshots of life and times or reflections of heart and minds.
Nothing  to press against  their hearts for a brief moment, with their eyes closed and an offered sigh.

May I beg any reading this to write a letter!!  Decide on a worthy recipient, then find a good pen, a flat surface, a sticky stamp and write them. " Fill your paper with  the breathing's of your heart" William Wordsworth
 I vow, in return to write any and all who will leave me their addresses in an email:

For, if we don't continue the legacy of letters, no one will and  the world will have lost a treasure without equal. Let us leave an inheritance more valuable then money or goods.. let us leave an inheritance of love that letters will verify and guard as truth!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Worth of Weeds

Every morning  I go for my walk around the back side of a abandoned sub division. Growing along the perimeter of the curbs, like spectators at a parade are numerous weeds. Like spectators at a parade, the weeds vary in size, type and kinds. They grow unchecked. I've often thought  how ugly they are, how useless,  grateful they didn't invade my yard! Then, after awhile  I didn't think of them at all. I was so used to seeing them that they in essence became invisible to me.

Until two days ago, when walking my route, my eyes spotted a brilliant purple something! I was admittedly confused. What was that purple doing here and what was it? I quickened my steps to hurry toward that eye catching color. It was a blossom! The weed had sprouted a blossom so brilliant, so gorgeous! I was shocked at how such an ugly noxious weed could have that kind of beauty within it's power! Then I noticed more purple. Again , I saw a unique royal purple flower atop a different weed and then again!!! Three different wonderfully lovely flowers atop 3 different ugly prickly weeds.

          As I marveled at this unlikely miracle of the Flowering of the Weeds, the spirit spoke to me as He tends to do when wanting to teach me humility and a life lesson. The thought came to me that  while I had written off these weeds as nothing more then growth to be mowed down, the Lord still sent the sun  to nourish them, sent the rain to quench their thirst and winds to strengthen their roots. The lord knew what I failed to appreciate all along: that inside these weeds laying dormant  was the potential for beauty. He knew  something I didn't allow myself to  contemplate: that in each ugly, prickly, sticker weed there lived a totally unique flower special to that  specific weed.
 At that point I could almost hear the Lord whisper, " How many people  have you looked at as weeds? How many sisters or brothers have you discounted because of their prickly natures, or ugly appearances?"
 It hit me so hard that I had to stop in my tracks.  As tears streamed, I saw faces of individuals that,  passing them for so long, had become invisible to me. I heard my inner judgements based on what I thought of their worth. I marveled that I could be so self- righteous as to  withhold the light of Christ to nourish them. That in my ignorance I failed to share with them  knowledge of the living waters to quench their thirst! That I failed to help them stand tall in the winds of adversity. All because I thought  or rather, didn't think they had  the power within them to blossom into something  beautiful.  That each person could blossom in such a way that they would catch my eye and take my breath away!
I began to see, I began to notice along this route in the early  July morning how all the weeds of every kind had somehow  unfolded within their ugliness some blossom!! Each had a bit of  beauty! 
Maybe when the Lord told Adam "... cursed is the ground  for thy sake...thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee..."   maybe,  just maybe,  the  " for your sake " was the lesson we can learn from the weeds. Perhaps they remind us  that "... the worth of souls is great in the sight of God"
It is a lesson I needed and one I will take to heart.

When the piano is silenced...

    There are all kinds of sounds I hear within  my home. The quiet humming of the ceiling fan, the concerts the songbirds give each day outside my windows, the dishwasher chugging, music from I-Tunes playing over speakers, the phone ringing, the dog barking, cat meowing, the loud motors of trucks passing by on  the road out front and many more.  By far my favorite sound is when Justine plays her piano.
      I am regaled with a variety of music all so expertly played!! In the mornings, if there is enough time before catching  the bus, I am delighted by the playing of favorite hymns. I catch myself singing along and find my mornings so much more pleasant even after the echos recede.  Sometimes I hear the sound of our favorite Final Fantasy music. "Eyes On Me". It is so beautiful!   I hear the many pieces she loves and desires to play; pieces she will research, buy sheet music for and work long and tedious hours to  learn. 
        She composes her own music and has created a song that rivals any I have heard. Her piece  is of such meloncholy beauty, it makes me cry! It does more then tug at the heartstrings, it brands it with the searing fire of emotion.  Unless she is gone overnight at a friends or at camp.. there isnt a day that goes by that  the most anticipated sounds  I wait for is her piano music.
       The piano itself is such an old thing! An antique!  Some of the keys don't work, the petals don't work, but it was free and it is hers. She has a gift! She is a keymaster! She makes that old broken piano sing! She coaxes from it excellence! Any spare minute she has, she will be found at her beloved piano plucking the keys, each key itself unlocking a world of music that invokes so many emotions! And I no matter where I am in the house when I hear her, I smile as I listen and soak up the songs she plays.
        One day she will be off to college. I'll be left with the quiet humming of the ceiling fan, the concerts the songbirds give each day outside my windows, the dishwasher chugging, music from I-Tunes playing over speakers, the phone ringing, the dog barking, cat meowing, the loud motors of trucks passing by on  the road out front and many more sounds.
     But when her piano is silenced, there will be a silence none of those daily noises can fill. It will be a silence so profound and deep that my heart will ache. Until  that day comes, play for me daughter of mine! Play for me!

Friday, July 1, 2011 God is, Man may become.....

{The subject I am about to embark on  is true  on many levels with  the other gender but I want to focus on this particular point} 

For a long time now I've noticed a prevalent theme in so many of the ads on TV, a theme that has outraged me and I find that I can no longer sit back and fume about it  but must speak out!
It is the depiction of men, in their roles as a man,  a husband and  a father, as being complete idiots.

Let me set up the commercial I witnessed last night  for TIDE laundry cleaner as merely ONE of countless that has demeaned or devalued man.

On the laundry line hanging to  dry is a very short, immodestly so, white skirt. The dad  wants to stop his daughter from wearing  it so he gets his hands filthy  in grease or dirt  (I didn't catch that) then wipes his dirty hands on the apparel in hopes it would be ruined and hides it down deep in the laundry basket where his  teenage daughter finds it  and in distress goes to her mother. The mom then uses Tides stain fight power to clean the garment.  We then see the daughter ready to leave the house for the night in her inappropriate and immodest  outfit including  said skirt. Both the mother and daughter look at the poor bemused father sitting in his lazy boy with looks of triumph mixed with disdain.

I tried to find  a link to this commercial to  allow viewing but couldn't find it.

IN this particular ad, we see a lack of leadership; a sneaking about to exert his wishes for a more modest outfit to be chosen. We see his being treated as a fool by wife and daughter who have outsmarted him again!  and further that the mom is "cooler"  because she aids in the desired planned outfit.
However,  this is the theme repeated over and over in car commercials, cell phone commercials computer commercials, food commercials... and many many more!

 Why if I  had to base my opinion of man by ads alone I would think they were hopeless, helpless, ignorant, mindless,spineless and totally dependant on a woman for any common sense. (well -that last part may be partly true)

In a society where most of the children are growing up with no Fathers in the home and  the experts are agreeing across the board that it is the major contributing factor to, oh my heavens- a whole list and litany of ills, ( I do not have the room to enumerate all of them) how can society expect  boys- teens- young men- men, to feel confident in that important role they play when  their roles are mocked, devalued and in short, made cartoonish by the advertising media.

How can we expect girls- teens- young ladies- women, to respect  men in their roles as providers, leaders and  protectors when they see  this erroneous depiction played out over and over. A subliminal message repeated time and time again that men have no idea what they are doing and are in fact, according to the implications of these ads, complete buffoons.

This offends me greatly as a woman who honors her husband for  the very values these ads are eliminating. A man who leads, a man of faith, of character, who is intelligent, wise, loving and a man I respect with all my heart. 
This offends me greatly as a woman who honors her father for the very  values  these ads mock. A father who leads his family, a man of faith, of character, whose example has been a light to me. A man who is loving
and a man I respect with all my heart.
This offends me greatly as a woman who honors her God for the very attributes these ads insult. A God who leads His people, who rewards our faith, who shapes our character. A God whose intelligence created all things and rules all things. A God who is loving, sacrificial, stern  yet "..His arms are outstretched still." A God whose pronoun is HE, HIS, HIM, masculine. A God I love with all my heart.

Let us never forget that God created MEN (and women) in HIS image.  In men, as well as women, HE  has placed  a part of His divinity, and, for all  men that accept it, has entrusted His power and authority through His priesthood.
If God has put that much time, love, hope, value, trust and  expectations in His Spiritual sons
how can we dare to do differently!
The Family: A Proclamation to the World

Please check out my related Song highlight and quote.  The song as a interesting  background story. It is available on I- tunes and is very worth listening to! "Lead Me" by Sanctus Real

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I'm starving.
Did you know that?
    The pain in my stomach is piercing. The gnawing , the emptiness, the yearning for nourishment is overwhelming sometimes. The crumbs thrown at me  sporadically do not begin to  fill  that void. Those crumbs hardly give me the energy I need to wake up and face a hectic busy day. I feel myself getting weaker and weaker. Sometimes, it is an effort just to hold my head up. 
    The well meaning comments that assure me that at some point in the future I will be able to be full, to be satisfied to have all the food I want or need does little to appease the hunger now. It almost seems counterproductive like holding out a  gift certificate to a favorite restaurant and while the hunger manifests itself in drooling, being told you cant use it for 20 years and watching it  being slipped back into  the givers pocket.
     I need food. I need nourishment. I can't do all I am asked to do without it! Not with joy- not with enthusiasm- not with empowerment. I go through the motions. I am robotic. I am resentful. I try to forget the need. I try to look back at some distant meal in hopes that memory will be sufficient to give me strength.
     I'm starving!
My body is overweight but my spirit is anorexic.
      The food I need  for sustenance is  appreciation, gratitude, the simple acknowledgement of  the efforts of being a mother. The  food I crave is thoughtfulness! Being  respected as a person , being treated  as a person and not as a laundress, cook, atm or taxi driver! 
    I am far from perfect! I am far from the ideal mother!! I know I fall short! I know there are things I regret that can't be undone!  But here is the crux of the matter: I do my best! I have always done my best with where I have been emotionally, physically, spiritually and I have adjusted with each fluctuation of those factors!!
     Oh! To inhale a compliment like the aroma of a well seasoned and well simmered soup!

     Oh! To taste a thank you that lingers upon the tongue in delicious anticipation of swallowing!
     Oh! To savor the acknowledgement of an effort or sacrifice like the perfectly grilled steak, juicy & tender!

     Oh! To fill up my plate with hugs and kisses and I love you's till it is heaping!

     Oh! To be full! To feel satisfied! To sit back and pat my stomach in the happy conclusion of such a meal!

     Oh! To not feel the bitterness of regret that I now feel because I starved MY MOTHER!

Mother! IM so sorry! I love you! I am so grateful for all you have done for me and continue to do for me ! I love your faithfullness. I love your perserverance. I'm grateful for  the lessons you taught me,the times you listened. I'm sorry so sorry I withheld food from you so often! Please forgive me!

I'm starving
           and no mother
                        deserves to starve!